Thursday, 1 May 2008

Lollipop Cameras

While I can understand the idea behind putting miniature cameras into the 'lollipops' of Lollipop Ladies and Men across the nation, I think we have to be careful.

We're getting too used to our news services telling us that 'cameras can now talk' or that 'we are the most surveilled country in the world'.

This may or may not be conditioning, depending how paranoid you or your friends (are you sure they're really your friends?) are.

Regardless, the effect is that we are becoming a society complacent of the cloud of surveillance we find ourselves increasingly having to come to terms with.

There is a post at the bottom of a road near where I live. On top of it may be found a camera. Every month or so the camera is 'removed'. After a few weeks or so it is reinstalled. Ad nauseam.

The bottom line here is that, simply, society — at the point where it means the most — does not want a camera. How much more vocal can a society be?

And yet, here we are, welcoming the presence of cameras on lollipops.

I think we need to keep an eye on those who so want to keep an eye on us.

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