Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Urban. Photographers. One or the other...

Urban Photographers are of a kind, like Lifestyle Coaches, who seem to justify their 'art' solely to their peers.

Don't get me wrong, anyone with a camera has the potential to be the voice of global society given the opportunity. That, of course, is a good thing.

The ones that wind me up, though, are those with a little more time and technology on their hands than they apparently know what to do with.

Second hand
graffiti savagely exposing social truths, humour derived from the decontextualisation of street signage and visual allusions to a paranoid political commentary.

Just stop it. Most of these images are really only going to mean anything to people who are actually there.

Nice composition, good lighting, focussing really picks out the 'A' in 'MIND YOUR HEAD'. Seriously? I know it's the Internet, but that's no excuse for derivative.

There is a statue of William Wallace on Union Street in Aberdeen. Below it, a plaque tells the story of a man who fought for his country. Besides documentary evidence, a photo of this plaque would not do the monument or the location any emotional justice.

To understand its story and what it means to the people who live with it every day, you have to appreciate the time and the place of the subject. Taking a snapshot of it and posting it on the Internet may elevate it to the realms of culture, but never art.

That's that dealt with. I'm off to icanhascheezburger...

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