Wednesday, 2 January 2008

The hangover has subsided...

...but only just. 1 o' clock in the afternoon, I have just finished boiled eggs on toast, the first solid food to have passed my lips in something like 48 hours.

After a gig at a local pub in the Borders of Scotland, I spent the rest of "Auld Year's Night" in increasing states of drunkenness until some time after 4 am. New Year's Day was an ill, migraine-ridden write off.

However, looking back at 2007 from the warmth of a mild 2nd of January, I have to say that I am excited to be witnessing the world as it is, and anticipating what may be to come.

With advances in medicine, social technology and the increasing prevalence of the Internet, I can't wait to see what 2008 might bring.

So, if you're capable, charge your glasses once again and toast the New Year and all the change that it will bring.


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